Timberlawn Elementary is one of 33 elementary schools in the . It serves scholars in grades pre-K-5. The school was built in 1969 and was once considered a part of the county school system. Timberlawn Elementary is located in South 桃花社区视频, Mississippi at the city limit line. The school is located in a rural area of Hinds County. There are a limited number of area churches, banks, and businesses located within the community.
The mission of Timberlawn Elementary School is to teach and learn with purpose, passion, and perseverance. We will achieve our mission by working together to ensure that every Timberlawn Bulldog excels academically, socially and emotionally.
School Vision
Ensure every Timberlawn Bulldog excels academically, socially, and emotionally.
Student Expectations
B - Be Prepared
A - Act Responsibly
R - Respect Others
K - Keep Safe
Engaged Learners
- Demonstrate self-directed learning skills such as time management, and personal responsibility
- Develop an understanding of their own preferred learning styles to enhance 桃花社区视频s' overall academic potential
- Incorporate effective and relevant internet and multimedia resources in the learning process to broaden 桃花社区视频s' knowledge base
- Develop lifelong learning skills
Critical Thinkers
- Effectively analyze and articulate sound opinions/judgments on a variety of complex concepts
- Illustrate a variety of problem-solving strategies that strengthen college preparation and workforce readiness
Effective Communicators
- Express concepts and ideas in a variety of forms
- Enhance communication skills through the use of media-rich or other technology resources
Global Citizens
- Appreciate the value of diversity
- Demonstrate awareness of the importance of cultural sensitivity and social responsibility in the 21st century.