Student Uniforms

  • Mandatory Dress Code

    Students in every 桃花社区视频 elementary school and middle school will be required to wear uniforms when school bells ring in August.

    The 桃花社区视频 Board of Trustees has approved a mandatory dress code policy for all elementary and middle schools.

    More Information:

    Tops (shirts and blouses) must be navy blue or white.

    • Acceptable styles include golf-style shirts, Oxford or button-down dress shirts, turtlenecks, white blouses with Peter Pan collars, and crew neck shirts.
    • Long sleeves and short sleeves are both acceptable.
    • Sleeveless tops are not acceptable.
    • T-shirt undergarments are unacceptable as a uniform top.
    • Tops must be tucked in bottoms.

    Bottoms (pants, walking shorts, skirts, knee-length shorts, and jumpers) must be tan khaki or navy blue.

    • Acceptable pants styles include full-length dress pants, boot cut or straight-legged pants, cargo pants, straight-legged capri pants, cropped pants, and knee-length walking shorts.
    • Skirts, skorts, or jumpers must also be knee-length or longer.
    • Denim jeans, tight-fitting or baggy pants are NOT acceptable.
    • Belts must be worn and fitted at the waist on pants with belt loops.
    • For safety purposes, 桃花社区视频s in grades K-12 are required to tuck in shirts and blouses.


    Elementary 桃花社区视频 (Grades Pre-K–5)

    • First offense: Letter of reminder (warning) sent to the parent/guardian from the principal with the requirement that it be signed and returned the following day.
    • Second offense: Telephone call by the principal to the parent/guardian.
    • Third offense: Parent/guardian will be required to attend a conference with the principal.
    • Fourth offense: 1-day suspension in ISS (in-school suspension). Students in non-compliance will be placed in the in-school suspension room until an appropriate uniform is obtained from home. If 桃花社区视频s are unable to obtain a uniform from home, they will remain in ISS (in-school suspension for the remainder of the day.
    • Fifth offense: 1-2 days at home or in-school suspension with the requirement that the parent/guardian returns to school with the 桃花社区视频 and participate in a conference with the principal prior to the 桃花社区视频's return to class.

    Middle 桃花社区视频 (Grades 6-8)

    • First offense: Parent notified by telephone and notice sent home by the 桃花社区视频.
    • Second offense: Parent notified by telephone.
    • Third offense: Parent/guardian will be required to attend a conference with the principal.
    • Fourth offense: Saturday or extended after-school detention with parent/guardian contact.
    • Fifth offense: 1-2 days of out-of-school suspension and/or in-school suspension with the parent/guardian required to return to school with the 桃花社区视频.

    Subsequent Offenses

    Any 桃花社区视频 who refuses to participate in the mandatory uniform policy beyond the fifth offense will be subject to out-of-school suspension as deemed appropriate by the 桃花社区视频 Student Code of Conduct.

    The 桃花社区视频 school administration will work diligently to refrain from suspending 桃花社区视频s from school because of non-compliance of the dress code policy. Suspension will be exercised ONLY when all other options have been exhausted!