MDE School Report Card

  • The Mississippi Statewide Accountability System is a single “A” through “F” school and district accountability system. Each public school is provided with a Report Card which indicates measurements of 桃花社区视频 performance and growth in mathematics and English Language Arts, proficiency in Science (5th and 8th grades) and U.S. History.

    NOTE: Capital City Alternative does not administer these tests. Check your scholar's home school for accountability rating.

桃花社区视频 THRIVE

  • 桃花社区视频 THRIVE is a subset of high impact questions from our annual Comprehensive Needs Assessment or survey of scholars, school faculty, and families. These items were selected because they provide a holistic view of each school’s climate. The National School Climate Center defines school climate as “the patterns of scholars’, parents’, and school personnel’s experience of school life.” Each school’s climate report provides a comparison to the overall district performance and various school demographic groups: scholars, staff, and families. Finally, THRIVE is used to inform school climate goal setting and improvement.

Last Modified on July 24, 2023