Attendance Requirements

  • Teachers will take attendance daily, but the meaning of attendance changes—virtual learning attendance is more about engagement than physical presence.

    • Active Time Spent in LMS – This indicates the time a scholar is active in a course that is logged and recorded by a learning management system (LMS) and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.
    • Scholar Submissions in an LMS – This indicates required coursework submissions by a scholar in a course that is logged and recorded by an LMS and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.
    • Other Indicators in an LMS – This indicates specific feature(s) that are logged and recorded by an LMS and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.
    • Teacher Tracked Work Time – This indicates the time a scholar is actively working on group projects and/or offline work that is logged and recorded by the course teacher and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.
    • Teacher and Scholar Communication – This indicates academic-based communication between a scholar and the course teacher or the teacher and parent/guardian and is logged by the teacher and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.
    • Other Indicators Tracked by the Teacher – This is a description of scholar participation activities that are logged and recorded by the course teacher and is used by the 桃花社区视频 as a method to track participation in the course.

     Attendance Guide for Teachers & Parents

    Elementary Scholars

    • Synchronous Online – Scholars attending school virtually will log in to the LMS during homeroom. Teachers will record attendance for the scholars and submit them to the office for input into the scholar information system by the office staff.
    • Asynchronous Online – Attendance will be captured daily through engagement with the LMS.
    • Asynchronous Offline (Print Assignments) – Attendance will be captured through a survey that will be accessible through Active Parent or Active Student. The survey will be active from 6:45 a.m.–5 p.m.

    Secondary Scholars

    • Synchronous Online – Scholars attending school virtually will log in to the LMS during homeroom. Attendance will be taken in the scholar information system during that time by the teacher.
    • Asynchronous Online – Attendance will be captured daily through engagement with the LMS.
    • Asynchronous Offline – Attendance will be captured through a survey that will be accessible through Active Parent or Active Student. The survey will be active from 6:45 a.m.–5 p.m.

    How Attendance Participation May Look:

    • Attending video conference sessions.
    • Participating in threaded discussions.
    • Completing and submitting assignments (Note: Scholars without a device or connectivity will submit paper-based assignments.)
    • Taking an assessment online and/or paper/pencil.
    • Uploading a video.
    • 1:1 communication via phone/email/Canvas or Google Classroom.

    Elementary and secondary schools will use the learning management system for tracking scholar engagement and academic progress. All scholars are expected to have contact with their classroom teacher daily, and if that is not possible, the 桃花社区视频 will develop other means to check on families or scholars who do not regularly check in with their child’s teacher. The 桃花社区视频 will consider safe, welfare checks that maintain social distancing to deliver supplies and transfer paper-based assignments. The 桃花社区视频 may involve attendance officers and court action if attendance is not documented within five school days.

    Asynchronous Learners Receiving Instructional Work Packets

    In September 2020, we revised the attendance verification process for our asynchronous learners or 桃花社区视频s who receive instructional work packets. Parents, or 桃花社区视频s who are old enough to do it themselves, will complete an online survey each day for attendance. The two-question survey can be completed using any mobile device, such as a smartphone. For younger children, this survey should be completed by their parents. The link to the survey will be available daily in Active Parent and Active Student. The survey will ask for the 桃花社区视频’s MSIS number and if they need assistance with their coursework. 桃花社区视频 will use the answers to provide support to scholars with learning packets over the phone.

Last Modified on September 5, 2020